Monday, October 12, 2009

What a difference 30 days can make!

I took this photo on the 8th of September. I've greeted this tree as I have greeted the day since moving in in July. I have loved it in it's dark and barren phase, timber against grey sky backdrop. Very conducive for speculating, dreaming, planning, scheming. And it has been just right for the phase of my life where it might have looked to all the world as if not much was happening here, while underneath in silence and hiddenness, new creation was stirring. Just thirty days after the first photo, I took the second one. Same window. Same tree. Now aflame with life, energy and vitality. The transformation has happened so quickly there were times I'd swear I could actually see those buds growing, unfurling into leaves. If the tree from my bedroom window is anything to go by, it must be time to let what I have been working burst forth and flourish like the green of spring.

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