Thursday, April 1, 2010

War and Peace

I'm reading War and Peace.  For my bookclub.  I'm only a third of the way through and bookclub is next week.  I'll never make it.  My experience of reading the book matches what one critic wrote:  "you dont read War and Peace, you live it".  It is so immediate, all action and dialogue, no asides or reflection.  I think that might explain why I dont 'feel' anything about the book.  It just all happens. Parts of it are very funny. In fact, I wonder if the whole thing has been written kind of 'tongue-in-cheek'.  Perhaps that is my own projection and reflects how I feel about the privileged class of two centuries ago.  I dont like or feel connected to any of the characters yet.  That feels strange. Anyway, I'll persevere. Reading this book definitely feels like a discipline. That's not always a bad thing. I'm going to watch the movie this weekend - the version with Audrey Hepburn in it.

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